- Turbo reanimacija
Rasoti telksoti - Dog Bones
Feel Just Fine - Kancia
Mes - Lygiailija
Siouxie - SSG
DJ’s igeidziai - Zvake tau
Ave Loreta - Svesie
Gaidot tavu enu - Bix
Industrija II - Marichuana
Albini - Bix
Kuo blogiau tuo geriau - Siela
Plainsong - Mano juodoji sesuo
As palikau tave - Naktines personos
Kilti aukstai - LLL
Smaihons un kulers - Sexual Giant
Le Baron - UTV
Verkia naktis
Šalta Vasara w/ Ilius • • 2023.10.17
Šalta Vasara brings some fine (un)discovered cuts from the rich world of Easter European/Baltic post-punk/wave and related genres. Today we travel from rough-edged pop to dreamier punk fringes to synths and guitars echoing from half-remembered past. Spreading love and cold waves from yesterday and today.