- L’ahka Muza
Plac Siren - Foa Hoka
Dopeplates - Rudens Lapas
Tev - Vilkduja
Samanos Delnan - Sala
The Vapours of Ljubljana - Lethe
Altethe - Foa Hoka
Konople Sya Zeleneyut (1993 Version) - 19 Gadi Pirms Sakuma
Tango - Cukor Bila Smert
Welyka Rika Hen-Juan - Wejdas
Nezinomiems Dievams - Driezhas
Silkinis Rudens Liudesys - Strops
Daudzpunkts - Sovijus
Šalta Vasara w/ Ilius • • 2023.09.15
Šalta Vasara brings some fine (un)discovered cuts from the rich world of Easter European/Baltic post-punk/wave and related genres. Today we travel from rough-edged pop to dreamier punk fringes to synths and guitars echoing from half-remembered past. Spreading love and cold waves from yesterday and today.