- The Sonny Downs Quartet
Seven Lawnmowers - Thomas P. Heckmann
Krautrock - Thamel
Foret Fauve - Thamel
Cheval Bleu - Suzanne Ciani & J. Fitoussi
Oceanium - Rene G. Boscio
Qn te dijo - Rocco Perciante
Tasmanian - Cluster
Wehrmut - Genshin (Craig Anthony Perkins)
Mosaic Waves - Oxix52
Azldyne - Johnny Woods
Things Silently Explode - Jessica Kert
I Can See It Coming - Egil Kalman
Elastic Architecture w/ Ugnius Gelguda • • 2023.11.07
Elastic Architecture is a one-hour sonic adventure by the artist Ugnius Gelguda for your ears - experimental electronica, New Age, psychedelic sounds. Inspired by women pioneers in early electronic music, it explores today's contemporary ambient music and beyond.