Women Metronum Academy

In mid-September, Radio Vilnius residents Migluma and Jūra Elena will participate in the Women Metronum Academy, hosted by Le Metronum. Alongside their creative partners Maya Peckstadt and Nour Kara, they will undertake a residency in Toulouse, culminating in new performances that delve into the intersections of different media, personal experiences, and collaborative processes. These works will premiere on September 19th, marking the launch of the Women Metronum Academy festival, and will return at La Biennale Toulouse on October 4th and 12th.

A heartfelt thank you to our partners Le Metronum, La Biennale Toulouse and Saison Lituanie 2024 for making this possible, and to Songe for mentoring the artists throughout the residency.

The project was partially funded by the Lithuanian Culture Institute and the Institut Français.