- Theme from Kashkhali Mtashi IV
- schntzl
Silk - Baba Mahmudoğlu
Bala Gəlin - Laraaji
Allah - Georgian State String Quartet
Joke - Laraaji
Laws of Manifestation - Lady Gothenburg
Feel it - Theme from Ubedureba III
Some Background - Baba Mirzoyev
Shur Tesnifleri - upsammy
Being is a Stone - Georgian State String Quartet
Dance Tune - Dub Mentor
Guns of Brixton – l’été chinois (feat. Yan Jun) - Laraaji
Hare Jaya Jaya Rama I - EXEK
Plastic Sword’s Retractable - Ilayaraja
Amman Kovil (Siu Mata Edit) - upsammy
Constructing - schntzl
Luna - upsammy
Soft Sand
Auricular praxis w/ Jūra Elena Šedytė • • 2023.07.05
"Auricular praxis" - Don’t let your hearing flaws damage your or your loved one's well-being and quality of life. Music language – analysis - recognition of relative major/minor – cadence – modulation - polyrhythm exercises will help you to upgrade.